How I Spent My COVID Vacation

It’s been several months, so I guess I owe the world a bit of an update. I promise not to recycle any cliches about “living through these extraordinary times.”

In January I started an artistic internship at La Jolla Playhouse. That was super fun, I learned a lot, got to read a bunch of scripts that have never been published . . . and then came March 11 and you now the rest. So that’s over. Still I’m grateful for the experience.

I’ve got a few new songs to share. I’ll need to figure out how to upload them here.

During the early days of quarantine I naively believed that I would complete several new plays. But my psyche had other plans. Started two different farces, both inspired by Shakespearean comedies . . . and could NOT bring myself to finish either one. I mean the quality of the writing was so bad. They must never see the light of day. I blame Corona.

But I haven’t been completely unproductive. In fact, it feels like I’m working harder than ever. My full-length musical “Don’t Get Caught” is now done!

My collaborator, Nicolas Prada, made a herculean effort to finish the score. And then he vanished into the Hyperborean wilderness of Finland. No really!

I plan to workshop the whole of “Don’t Get Caught” in September. It will be on zoom, and I’ll be broadcasting the invite next month.

Meanwhile, to prepare for workshop, I’ve got to get backup tracks, recruit singers, prepare the score in the right format. It’s a lot, but at least I’ve got help from my musician friends. One way or another, I will get this thing DONE!